
Working with an old codebase

|5 minute read

Just recently I’ve reached 1 year of working on the same project at the agency I work for. This is pretty unheard of. Agencies are usually…

Being selfish

|4 minute read

For any of you that know me, have seen me speak, or read some of my previous posts on here, you may have noticed that I tend to work a lot…

Riding for rhinos

|2 minute read

This year, I’m riding in the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 miles event on August 10th! But this sportive isn’t just about me having a fun…

Beepcheeks – Responsive Day Out 2

|4 minute read

Last Friday was Responsive Day Out 2: The Squishening, the follow up to last year’s inaugural Responsive Day Out conference in Brighton…

How to design & build a website in 4 hours.

|7 minute read

Last week A few weeks ago I gave myself a challenge, I’ve had the domain for well over a year now and done absolutely nothing with it. So I…